PB and J on the countertop.
Swimming at the lake
View across to the main beach.
I guess holding his nose helps Chance think, shortly after doing so, the light bulb went on and Chance figured out where his next clue was.
On the trail to treasure.
Oh so close!
Victory at last. I was happy that Chance was actually the one who found his treasure.
First lessons with Dad. This is what happens when you let Dad do the birthday shopping.
Chance turned SIX this week! My little man. I love Chance. He can be so stubborn at times but for the most part he is a very good kid. He is kind and giving, smiley, happy and cuddly. Aaron was out running errands and volunteered to do Chance's birthday shopping for me, of course I took him up on it. I should have known better! My poor poor neighbors.
All day long I kept thinking about how blessed we are to live where we live. It is so beautiful and perfectly suited to Aaron and I's personalities (Only in the summer for me. I need to be a snowbird :)) We started the day out with waffles at Chance's request. For lunch we had his all time favorite PB & J. I don't know any kid that likes peanut butter sandwiches as much as Chance. Then we headed out to the lake. The lake is pretty close to our house and a great spot to cool off in this 90 degree, scorching weather (he he). The water there is warm and fairly clean for a lake and most of all, it is just plain pretty out there. Then we came home had dinner and started a treasure hunt for his birthday presents. I am a sucker for treasure hunts, ever since my sixteenth birthday I have been hooked on treasure hunts (Thanks Cori and Shannon and whoever else helped planned that. That was the best treasure hunt ever!) The kids had a great time figuring out the clues and we enjoyed many laughs watching the light bulb come on. At the end of the treasure hunt, stashed under a tree, was Chance's treasured BB gun. I wanted to thump Aaron when he told me what he got Chance, but after seeing Chance's excitement it was hard to be mad. He told us about how he had wished on a star the night before for a BB gun and how his wish had come true and that he had the best dad ever. I found it funny that he instantly knew Dad had bought the gun for him and not mom. Funny how well kids know their parents. We stayed in the field for a while and all the kids had a turn with target practice. We have some pretty good little shots in this family. Then we came in for cake and ice cream and Chance opened all his cards from family. Thanks for the kind wishes and bills ya'll sent his way. We ended the night with hide and go seek in the dark (another game I am a sucker for, it's never hard to talk me into a game of hide-in-seek). It was a very exciting, tiresome day with my sweet little kids. Thank goodness for non-birthdays so I can recover. Happy Birthday Chance, I've had a wonderful six years with you.